Emotivne: Ariana Grande, Victoria Justice i druge zvezde obeležavaju 10 godina “Victoriousa”

Početkom godine prisećali smo se velikih šoua Nickelodeona i Disneyja koje su obeležile vaše detinjstvo, pa smo pisali o tome da li se Ariana Grande i dalje druži sa svima iz serije “Victorious”. Da je ovaj šou i dalje omiljen u njenom srcu, megazvezda je pokazala i juče na društvenim mrežama, objavivši ogroman i srceparajući post povodom desetogodišnjice serije.

“Samo želim da kažem kako ću zauvek biti zahvalna za to što sam bila deo ovog šoua, nisam mogla na bolji način i sa boljim ljudima da provedem svoje tinejdž godine. Čast mi je bila da budem Cat Valentine, iako ljudi i dalje govore da pričam i ponašam se kao ona, ona će me proganjati dok ne umrem. Nedostaje mi naše pokušavanje da se ne smejemo na setu iako umiremo od smeha. Nedostaje mi odlazak na spavanje sa jastukom umazanim od crvene farbe za kosu. Srećna godišnjica” napisala je Ari emotivno.

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ten years of victorious 🤍 daniella’s post got me all in my feels now so i’m sorry for the mushiness but…. jus want to say how grateful i will always be for being on this show and for those years of my life. i couldn’t have spent my teenage years with a better, more funny, talented group of human beings. i really loved playing cat valentine (even though sometimes people think i actually still speak and act like that and her essence will lovingly haunt me til i die) …. i miss getting in trouble w my friends the school room and trying not to laugh when we weren’t supposed to on set. i even miss waking up with red hair dye stained pillows. thank u @danwarp and to my cast mates for some of the most special years of my life and for bringing all of us into each other’s lives. happy anniversary!

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Arianine emocije je zapravo pokrenuo srceparajući post Danielle Monet, koja je počela ovu groznicu opširnih postova o uspomenama sa seta, pa se na celu situaciju osvrnula i Victoria Justice! “Jako mi je čudno i da otkucam ‘deset godina’, jer mi se i dalje čini kao da je sve bilo juče. Nikad neću zaboraviti kako sam plakala na prvom setu jer sam bila presrećna. Ova serija je promenila moj život i prezahvalna sam što sam mogla da je delim sa ovoliko talentovanom ekipom. Hvala i fanovima koji i dalje uživaju u seriji, mnogo me usrećujete” zaključuje Vic. Čini se da je ova serija donele neke od najlepših uspomena u njihov život!

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10 years of Victorious!!! It’s actually a little crazy typing that, because in a lot of ways it feels like it was just yesterday. I’ll never forget how I cried at our very first table read. I cried because I was sooo frickin’ happy!!! This show changed my life & I’m so grateful I got to share it with this amazing, insanely talented group of people. We share memories together that I look back fondly on to this day & will always cherish. Thank you so much to all the fans who continue to love and support our show. Makes me real happy to see that it’s still enjoyed by so many of you. Thank you @danwarp for creating this magic 🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼. I love you guys!!! #grateful

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the last time we were all together 🧡 miss you guys, i miss Victorious, nick on sunset 😔, i miss laughing all the time, getting nervous before run throughs, our cute little dressing rooms, spending way too long in hair and make up, my crazy Trina shoes and tiny shorts w big shirts because my boobs were too big for a kids show, i even miss being freezing during crazy long night shoots, i miss the choreography because i was convinced i was a dancer (I’m not), i don’t totally miss recording songs because i can’t sing, but i miss hearing you guys sing ALL DAY. i miss the concerts we did together, especially that one in Florida and London, i actually think that’s all we did, i miss the trip to mall of America, and just all the the different places we traveled to together… aw and i miss trying to make Liz feel better about flying and taking elevators, i miss prank calling ea other from different hotel rooms… most of all, miss seeing you guys every day. cheers to our 10 year anniversary. what a show, what a cast 🥰 love you guys. thank you to every single one of you who watched and supported us then and now. best fans in the game 🤍🤍🤍

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Autor: Famoza.net

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Foto: Instagram/Ariana Grande

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Valentina Krstić

Editor at Famoza.net
Valentina Krstić je urednica portala Famoza.net. Talenat za pisanje otkrila je u ranom detinjstvu i već deset godina gradi svoje ime i status u novinarstvu, PR-u i marketingu u oblasti muzike. Muzika je smisao njenog života i hrana za njen jedinstven stil i kreativnost, koju ističe u svemu što radi. Smatra da je najvažnije da strastveno radimo ono što volimo.

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