Bivši dečko Dove Cameron se brani: Mediji su iskonstruisali moju priču, Dove i ja nismo u sukobu!

Dove Cameron odavno nema probleme u svom ljubavnom životu i njena veza sa Thomasom Dohertyjem tako je stabilna da ona često govori i kako bi se rado udala za njega. Međutim, taj mir nakratko je prekinuo Dovein bivši dečko iz 2016. godine, Ryan McCartan koji je odjednom izašao sa pričom na Instagram Storyju da ga je Dove varala i ostavila, i da je on ponosan što je živ uspeo da se izvuče iz tog besa i patnje.

Dove nije direktno komentarisala ovaj momenat već je samo podelila jedan citat, ali Ryan je već nakon dva dana odlučio da se odbrani od priča medija, tako što će reći da je sve iskonstruisano i da on to maltene nije ni rekao!

“Ja sam odabrao da ćutim o svojoj prošlosti da bih je tako ostavio tamo gde pripada. Nisam više opušten kad vidim kako se moje reči izvlače iz konteksta, želeo bih jednom za svagda da diplomatski napišem nešto o tome. Dove i ja se slažemo da naša veza nije funkcionisala i da smo oboje bili mladi i nezreli. Zahvalan sam na našoj ljubavi, jer sam naučio šta ljubav nije. Mediji prave sukob tamo gde ga nema. Sve priče o našem novijem, trenutnom konfliktu su samo iskonstruisane i nemaju osnove” tvrdi Ryan. Pročitajte ispod i celu njegovu poruku!

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I have elected to remain silent about my past because I thought it would be the most effective way to leave it where it belongs. I am no longer comfortable watching the events of my life become so darkly misconstrued. I would like to fairly and diplomatically write about this once and finally. • I think Dove and I fundamentally agree about our relationship with one another. We were young, and immature. Our relationship was dysfunctional. We were a bad match. • She has made claims about me and about our past that I don’t think are fair or even true, but she is entitled to her opinion. I have made claims about her and our past that I’m sure she doesn’t think are fair or true, but I am entitled to my opinion. We have individual and conflicting perspectives on the dysfunction of our relationship. That is very normal amongst exes. • I wish her nothing but the best. I am grateful for our relationship. I learned what love is by learning what it isn’t. People are allowed to be young and make mistakes. People are allowed to grow up and grow apart. • We are not at war with one another. This vortex of repetitive conflict is the result of freely and peacefully sharing our individual perspectives on our past, which is almost always followed by a myriad of social media posts creating a fight where there isn’t one. Some of these outlets make their money on ads, clicks and controversy, and if they don’t have a story, they manufacture one. Any claims of lasting or current conflict between me and my previous partner have been methodically manufactured, and are baseless. • This paradigm is one that exists all over the social media landscape. It is my hope that consumers of social media will use this as an example to guard themselves against bias and hyperbole, and to increase their social media fluency in an increasingly untruthful world.

A post shared by Ryan McCartan (@mccarya) on


Pročitajte još  Odaberi koju zvezdu želiš da Ryan nacrta!

Foto: Instagram/Dove Cameron

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Valentina Krstić

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