Prvi singl već u petak: Camila Cabello već najavila svoj prvi solo album!

Camila Cabello odmah nakon izlaska iz grupe Fifth Harmony najavila je da će raditi na svom albumu a on već sad ima naziv dok prvi singl stiže već ovog petka, 19. maja!

Camila je napisala veliku poruku na Instagramu, rekavši da će se album zvati “The Hurting The Healing The Loving” a tamo kaže da je njegova tema putovanje od tame do svetlosti, od vremena kad je bila izgubljena do momenta kad je pronašla sebe. “Priča o albumu kreće sa drugom pesmu koja se zove ‘I Have Questions’ a koju sam napisala pre godinu dana u kupatilu tokom turneje'”, piše ona.

“Tad sam bila skroz slomljena, bila sam bolna a nisam htela da priča o tome, to je nešto o čemu nikad ne želite da pričate naglas. Pola godine nisam napisala niti jednu pesmu nakon toga jer nisam bila spremna da se suočim sa svojim osećanjima. Onda sam jednog dana prestala da bežim. Svakog dana pisala sam tužne pesme, rekla sam sve što sam htela, sve dok mi nije bilo muka od tužnih pesama! Onda sam ukapirala da sam svakog dana sve srećnija i takve su mi bile i pesme. Više nisam pisala muziku za album već da mi bude bolje” stoji između ostalog u poruci.

the first song from my forthcoming album “the hurting the healing the loving” will come out on 5.19.17…. “the hurting the healing the loving” is the story of my journey from darkness into light, from a time when i was lost to a time when i found myself again. The story behind the album starts with the second song that you’ll hear called “I have questions” which I started writing in a hotel bathroom on tour a little over a year ago. i was completely broken during that time, i was in the kind of pain that’s uncomfortable to talk about, and it was the kind of chapter you never want to read out loud…. i couldn’t write another song for 6 months because writing meant i had to feel everything, and i wasn’t ready to do that yet. so when i graduated from hotel bathrooms to studios to make my first album, i was making music about everything BUT what i was going through, it was like a secret burning on my tongue and for some reason i could not get myself to say it…….

A post shared by Camila Cabello (@camila_cabello) on

….. till one day i just could not run anymore. i pulled up the lyrics from the year before, and “I have questions” was written. after that i wrote a sad song everyday, everything i wanted to say, every lyric on my phone, i said everything until i got tired of writing about it. until i was sick of the sad songs!!!!! as i got happier and happier, i realized the songs were getting happier and happier. and i realized i wasn’t making music just to make an album anymore, i was making this music to heal. it wasn’t until i had made enough songs to listen back to and realized i could hear myself coming back through these songs. i didn’t write it with the intention of delivering a message, but i realized the message was in the hurting, the healing, and the loving. i might have thought the hurting was my enemy before, but she became the best listener… i might have thought i was too impatient for the healing, and it did feel like sometimes she was taking forever, but i realized it made me appreciate her so much more when she arrived. and the loving, i wouldn’t have known how beautiful she was if i couldn’t miss her all that time…..

A post shared by Camila Cabello (@camila_cabello) on

Foto: Instagram/Camila Cabello

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