Fans have spoken: “Si Tu Te Vas” by Tini is the best young artist song of this decade!

As the most visited web destination for the teenagers in the Adriatic region (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Macedonia), made a special music chart for it’s 100th issue where all the most popular song by today’s young artists were featured, including Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, One Direction, Demi Lovato, Tini Stoessel and many other stars.

Since voting was restricted to just once per every 24 hours, we could get valid, non inflated results, showing how the public really perceives these songs. Also, voting from the countries from other parts of the world was restricted, once again to get the most accurate results.

Having that in mind, the region voted mostly for “Si tu te vas” by Tini Stoessel who beat her own songs from her solo career and “Violetta” days! Taylor Swift was fifth with “Look What You Made Me Do”, followed by “Despacito (remix)” with Justin Bieber, and “Treat You Better” by Shawn Mendes. This is just another proof how popular Tini is in one of the few regions in Europe she never visited, even as a tourist. Maybe that’s going to change next year on her new tour? We do hope so! And here are the complete results of the voting!

Foto: Twitter

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Pročitajte još  Tini Stoessel: Sebastian i ja se dopunjujemo, snimićemo novi duet!
Vladimir Dolapčev je urednik medija Prethodno je pet godina uređivao portal srpskog izdanja časopisa BRAVO. Najveća želja mu je da Famoza bude drugačiji od svih teen medija i da pomogne u dovođenju mladih zvezda u region.

9 thoughts on “Fans have spoken: “Si Tu Te Vas” by Tini is the best young artist song of this decade!

    1. Mislim da će Tinisti sada to da dele na Twitter itd. pa onda ako uspeju da ih primeti,da bi ona mogla da pročita i razume

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