Fandom ne zaboravlja: Obeleženo sedam godina Big Time Rusha!


Jednom Rusher, uvek Rusher! Big Time Rush zvanično je nastao 28. novembra 2009. godine epizodom “Big Time Audition” a iako je bend već godinama neaktivan, fandom se prisetio ovog datuma i obeležio ga na Twitteru!

Kao što možete videti ispod, fandom je uz odlične fotke ostavljao i komentare poput, “Zauvek su mi promenili život”, “Sedam godina je prošlo od početka emitovanja? Osećam se matoro. Nisam valjda jedina kojima fale”, “Ne mogu da verujem, sedam godina” ili “Jednom Rusher, uvek Rusher”.

Slina situacija je i na Instagramu gde jedna devojka ostavila sjajnu poruku u kojoj između ostalog kaže, “Ne mogu da verujem da je prošlo sedam godina. Od 28. novembra 2009. nešto specijalno mi je na srcu. Tog dana mi je srce postalo kompletno. Nikad nisam bila tako srećna kao kad sam ih zavolela. U teškim vremenima njihove pesme su mi pomogle da nastavim i ne zaboravim da nisam sama. Baš me briga kad mi neki kreteni pitaju zašto ih volim kad više nisu zajedno. Zašto bih prestala da ih volim? Ne znam ni kako to da objasnim, ni milion reči mi ne bi bilo dovoljno. Ponosna sam što sam odrastala uz njih, osećam ponos kad kažem da sam Rusher, moje oči danas suze. Sedam godina čekam da vas upozna a ako je to potrebno, čekaću još. Hvala vam za sve BTR, neverovatni ste. Nikad vas neću zaboraviti. Volim vas i uvek ću vas voleti celim srcem.”

7 years of big time rush. I can't believe it. 7 years ago my life has completely changed when I saw those 4 guys in the TV, since 11/28/2009 I have something special in my heart and since this day something special started. my heart got complete since that day. I've never been so happy when I started to love them. in the hard / sad times their songs helped me to go on and to remember that I'm not alone and that I'm a "cover girl" no matter what. they were here with me, when some people weren't. I don't how my life would be without their songs to cheer me up when I need. I don't care for some idiot people when they say: "why u still like this band? it's over!" I love them so much and I'll never stop loving them, why I should stop?? I don't know how to explain how much I love James, Carlos, Kendall and Logan. I could write a million words and I would never can describe my love for them. I remember the 1st day I started to love them, on Big Time Audition, I was only 8 years old omg. I always cry in Big Time Dreams, but I cry bc I'm happy for them, how far they became. The song "We Are" means so much to me, I always cry when I listen to it. this song makes me remember that BTR will never end: they will always be in the heart of all the rushers, no matter what and I know that #itaintover . the times they notice me on twitter, it makes me fangirl a lot. I hate when ppl keep comparing BTR with other bands, but at kindness & heart, big time rush win it at all. I love them v much. I'm very proud to say that I grew up together with them. I feel so proud when I say that I'm a Rusher. my eyes are teary today. yes I'm crying. I really want to meet all of u, I've been waiting for almost 7 years and if necessary, I'll wait more. Thanks for everything Big Time Rush you're amazing. I'll never forget bout u. I love and will love u forever with all my heart. ?@kendallschmidt @jamesmaslow @therealcarlospena @loganhenderson #7YearsOfBigTimeRush #BigTimeRush

A photo posted by renata (@renatagermanno) on


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