Zayn slavi: Izašao album “Mind of Mine” ali i spot za “BeFoUr”!


Namerno ili ne, tek Zayn Malik na godišnjicu odlaska iz One Directiona objavio je ne samo svoj album “Mind of Mine” već i spot za pesmu “BeFoUr”.

Zayna možemo videti uz zid prekriven grafitima, zatim kako trenira u bokerskom klubu, priča u baru, igra na ulici i se šetka urbanim lokacijama. I tekst pesme jeste jako interesantan pa u njoj možemo čuti i odgovor svima koji ga kritikuju: “Ako ima nečega što želim, uzeću sve dobre stvari koje su pogrešne. Ostaću u svojoj zoni, muka mi je da dobijam mrvice. Pričajte šta god poželite.” Uostalom, pratite čitav tekst dok slušate pesmu!

(I done this before…)

I don’t drink to get drunk
I feel all the right funk
If there’s something I want
I’ll take all the right wrongs
Now, I’m gonna stay in my zone
I’m tired of picking that bone
And I can’t be bothered to fight it no more, no!

Numb on a roof
Set it on fire
Just to give me proof
I’m living on a wire
Numb on a roof
Set it on fire
Just to give me proof
I’m living on a wire

So say what you wanna say, what you wanna
So say what you wanna say, what you gotta say, now
So say what you wanna say, what you want
Shame is you won’t say that to my face

I’ve done this before
Not like this, not like this

Time for me to move up
So many hours have gone
Heart beats the pump of my blood
No strings for you to pull on
You’ve got your tongue in your cheek
So pardon if I don’t speak
Hand to my cuts into your soul, no

Numb on a roof
Set it on fire
Just to give me proof
I’m living on a wire

Pročitajte još  Zayn divlja po Twitteru: Ostavite Gigi na miru!

So say what you wanna say, what you wanna
So say what you wanna say, what you gotta say, now
So say what you wanna say
So say what you wanna say, what you want
Shame is you won’t say that to my face

I’ve done this before
Not like this, not like this

Flashing lights
So say what you wanna say, what you wanna
So say what you wanna say, what you gotta say, now
So say what you wanna say, what you want
Shame is you won’t say that to my face
So say what you wanna say, what you wanna
So say what you wanna say, what you gotta say, now
So say what you wanna say, what you want
Shame is you won’t say that to my FACE

I’ve done this before…
Not like this, not like this
I’ve done this before…

(Not like this, not like this…)

Foto: Screenshot

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