Rowan Blanchard: Tako je moćno biti ono što jesi!


Mlada zvezda s velikim iščekivanjima ulazi u novu godinu!

Rowan Blanchard obratila se nedavno svojim brojnim fanovima inspirativnom porukom objavljenom na Instagramu, u kojoj se, između ostalog kaže: “2015. je u mom slučaju bila nezaboravna. Te godine sam naučila koliko je moćan osećaj biti ono što jesi i biti zadovoljan sobom.”

“Ipak, kad razmišljam o svojim osećanjima u protekloj godini, ne mogu ih izraziti samo jednim emotikonom tj. pridevom (srećan, tužan, oduševljen itd.), jednostavno ih je previše. Tokom poslednjih 365 dana naučila sam da sreća i tuga ne moraju isključivati jedno drugo. Oni mogu postojati u meni u isto vreme, u istom trenutku,” kaže zvezda serije “Girl Meets World”.

2015 is the most memorable year of my life. It was the first year that I learned how powerful it is to be by yourself- not necessarily in a relationship sense- but to be by myself & be content. I became more forgiving with my own actions. I feel more connected to myself as a person knowing that I will never have it all figured out- and that's for the better. I developed a camaraderie of versions of myself that I can trust to take care of me when I feel thrown off, which is often. I think I learned (and am still re-learning) that in order to actually spend the rest of your life with yourself contently, you must truthfully fall in love with yourself. I became more unapologetic- I am realizing that we are young and things that may seem like the end of the world now, while still very important, will not be the end of the world in the long run. We can live through them. As I found myself, this year in particular, going through ups and downs with depression, I realized that instead of rejecting and ostracizing these teenage feelings (human feelings), I can learn to love the intensity of them and know that everything is momentary. When I think about this year, I would usually associate it with one specific emotion/adjective (happy, sad, amazing, et cetera), but I can't- there's too many. I learned this year that happiness and sadness are not mutually exclusive. They can exist within me at the same time in the same moment. While also becoming more forgiving of myself and my emotions, I became more forgiving of others, specifically other teenagers. I realized that it is really weird to grow up right now, and that maybe I shouldn't expect other teenagers to have it all figured out if I can't. I learned how much political events/societal complexes directly affect our lives, and how that can make your life a lot easier or a lot harder. I realized that you don't always have to think of things you love on a business scale- if you love something, find a way to do it- life is much too short. Now I have to go back to cleaning my room, because my mom thinks I am doing that right now, so maybe my resolution is to clean my room when my mom tells me to. Happy New Year, I love you.

A video posted by Rowan Blanchard (@rowanblanchard) on

Na samom kraju, Rowan je dodala i sledeće: “Sad moram da se vratim čišćenju svoje sobe, jer moja mama misli da to upravo i radim. Tako da bi moja novogodišnja odluka mogla biti da pospremim sobu kad mi mama kaže. Sretna nova godina, volim vas.”

Pročitajte još  Rowan Blanchard otkriva: Dvadeset stvari koje niste znali o meni!

Foto: Disney Channel

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Vladimir Dolapčev je urednik medija Prethodno je pet godina uređivao portal srpskog izdanja časopisa BRAVO. Najveća želja mu je da Famoza bude drugačiji od svih teen medija i da pomogne u dovođenju mladih zvezda u region.

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