Na ivici suza: Dove Cameron, Sofia Carson i ostatak glumačke ekipe se oprostili od “Descendants” priče!

Legendarna Disneyjeva priča “Descendants” koja je osvojila srca publike doživela je premijernu završnicu prošlog petka trećim i ujedno poslednjim delom filma koji je snimljen, a samim tim to je bila i posebna prilika da se glumačka ekipa na dirljiv način oprosti od čitave priče i lika kojeg su tumačili sve ove godine!

Među prvima se oglasila Dove Cameron koja je ujedno tumačila i glavnu ulogu Mal. Ona je objavila video sa snimanja jedne od scena u trećem delu filma i obratila se dugačkim pismom koje nećemo prenositi u celosti. “Ovih šest godina ispunjeno je rastom, dubokom i istinitom ljubavi i živahnijim životom, a to je više nego što većina ljudi doživi u životu i zbog toga sam zauvek zahvalna i večiti sam dužnik,” napisala je Dove. “Vi ste neverovatni, vaša posvećenost je nedostižna. Ne mogu da verujem kako ste voleli i brinuli za sve nas i sve ovo je zahvaljujući vama i vašim porodicama. Dugujemo vam sve,” napisala je glumica u zahvalnici za fanove.

Zbogom “Descendants”. Zauvek ću vam biti zahvalna za ovaj svet i trenutnu pomoć u onome što se osećalo kao dvostruki život. Ovaj svet bio je samo naš, svet koji smo morali sami da izgradimo oko sebe, svet koji nas je čuvao i omogućio nam da pobegnemo na mesto gde je sve imalo smisla i bilo puno ljubavi, mesto na kom svi pripadaju u našim najosetljivijim godinama. Trebali ste mi u 17 godina, kada sam se izgubila i zagledala, a ostavljam vas juče, duboko ukorenjene i divlje, ako ne i pomalo slomljenog srca. Mada, nikada vas zaista ne napuštam,” zaključila je Dove.

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i think that’s all the behind the scenes content i have. i wanted to post all of it, because i need to give it all away, i can’t hold it anymore. these past 6 years have been filled with more growth, more deep, true love and more vibrant LIFE, than most people experience in a lifetime and for that, i am forever grateful and forever indebted. i am humbled by the relationships i have made, the family i have found. i never thought i would ever feel truly SEEN for the human alien (that i think all artists feel they are) that i am until i found these people, my tribe. to @kennyortegablog : you are my guiding light, my mentor, my idol, my friend. thank you for shaping me into the performer that i am, you will always have your mark on me. to the fans: you are incredible, your dedication is unfathomable. i cannot believe how loved and cared for you have made us all feel, and all of this is thanks to YOU and your support. we owe it all to you. to our entire cast family , thank you for making me what i am. i truly believe i will never know better people, and i could never put my gratitude into words. to @sofiacarson , and cameron. words fail me. my heart is heavy with pain, and aching, agonizing love. my siblings. 6 years with the best. how did i get so lucky? goodbye, descendants. i will be forever grateful for this world, this momentary allowance into what felt like a double life. this world that was only ours, that we got to literally BUILD UP around us, that kept us safe, that let us escape to a place where everything made sense and everyone had love and a place they belonged, in our most formative and sensitive years. i needed you at 17, when i was lost and looking, and now i leave you stronger, deeply rooted and decidedly wild, if not a little heartbroken. although, i never truly leave you.

Објава коју дели ♡DOVE♡ (@dovecameron) дана

Sofia Carson je odlučila da se pretežno zahvali junakinji Eve koju je tumačila, postavivši njenu fotografiju na svom Instagram profilu. “Pre pet godina ušla sam u sobu za audiciju, da bih, okrenula ceo svet naopačke i ofarbala kosu u prelepu nijansu plave. Ako kažem da si mi promenila život, to bi bilo premalo… pet godina, tri filma i evo nas gde smo sad. Srce i je puno, oči vlažne, borila sam se da nađem reči i kažem… Hvala. Bila mi je čast,” zaključila je dirljivo Sofia.

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My Dearest Evie, As I write this, I cannot bring myself to say goodbye to you…but this is not a good bye. You and I are bound at the heart from here until eternity. And until then I will love you, Evie. Forever and for always. Five years ago, I walked into an audition room, that, little did I know, would turn my whole world upside down and paint it a beautiful shade of blue. To say that you changed my life would be saying too little….But, if I’m being honest, I could never say enough. I could never find the words to express to you the fairytale you have gifted me. You have taken me on the journey of a lifetime & this life time over (and a thousand lifetimes after that). Every precious moment, every memory, every laugh, every smile…has felt like pixie dust. The purest magic. A fairytale. But most of all, my dear Evie, you gifted me with an angel…My Cam. Our Cam. Who is looking down upon us today, dancing like only he knew how, laughing like only he (in the whole world) could make us laugh, and smiling as if everyday was heaven on earth. I thank you for every hug he gave me. The warm embrace I still feel, every waking day. What I would do, to hug him today. Five years, three movies, and here we are. My heart full, eyes watering, struggling to find the words to say…THANK YOU. It has been my HONOR. To our Descendants family, Today may be the end of our fairytale, but we are forevermore a family. You have gifted me with more joy than I could ever possibly express…Your love for Evie and for our beautiful world of purple and blue has been boundless…And so…my gratitude to you, is infinite. As my words fail me, I promise you this… You will forever be my family, And I will… Forever and always… Be your Evie. I love you, Your Sofia

Објава коју дели Sofia Carson (@sofiacarson) дана

Osim Dove i Sofije, oglasili su se Booboo Stewart, China Anne McClain, Sarah Jeffery, Brenna D’Amico, Thomas Doherty, Cheyenne Jackson i Mitchell Hope dirljivim pismima na Instagram profilima u kojima su se oprostili od ove triologije – njihove objave pogledajte ispod.

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Always. #Descendants3

Објава коју дели China (@chinamcclain) дана

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Today is the day… Im filled with so many emotions. Gratitude, love, sadness, grief, happiness… Today we celebrate the most incredible boy I have ever known. Cameron. I love you. Today is hard. But this film is filled with the essence that was you, and that is the most beautiful thing to witness. How incredibly grateful I am to have called you a friend. Words will never express this loss, but today we reflect on the special memories we were so lucky to create with you. To the cast, to the Boyce’s, to Kenny and our whole family… I love you all deeply. Thank you for this half a decade of pure magic. 💙💙💙 #descendants3

Објава коју дели Sarah Jeffery (@sarahmjeffery) дана

Foto: Instagram/ Disney Descendants

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Milica Jovanović je jedna od urednica portala Prvi put se predstavila čitaocima putem svog bloga Tinista's Academy i kao vlasnica i glavna urednica izdanja digitalnog časopisa o Martini Stoessel - "We Love Tini". Ističe da je rad na Famozi jedinstveno iskustvo i odlična prilika da i drugi čuju glas tinejdžera.

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