Mia nam šalje novi kviz: Koliko poznajete Arin album “Christmas & Chill”?

Ovim kvizom testiram tvoje znanje o Arianinom Božićnom albumu “Christmas & Chill”. Ovaj kviz vam može biti i nova plejlista za praznike!! Nadam se da će vam se kviz svidjeti i da stvarno znaš sve o C&C albumu! Za ovaj kviz moraš poznavati tekst pjesama s C&C albuma!! Tvoje znanje provjeravam na temelju jednog stiha!!!

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4 thoughts on “Mia nam šalje novi kviz: Koliko poznajete Arin album “Christmas & Chill”?

  1. 4/7 Correct answers!
    Nije loše ali možeš i bolje!!!!!!!!!!!

    On the first day of Christmas
    When you gave me all my wishes, boy!
    You showed me things
    Come hold me please, and never let me go
    On the second day of Christmas
    Said you felt like something's missing
    So you promised me that promise ring to keep 'til we get old, boy
    On the third day of Christmas
    We got all in our feelings
    Said I love you and meant it
    On the fourth we committed
    Any time, he could get it
    He's the real one I know it

    Look at all the things my true love gave to me
    My true love!
    My true love!
    You are my true love
    Look at all the things my true love gave to me
    My true love!
    My true love!
    You are my true love
    Ah ah ah ah ah ah…
    (You are my true love)

    On the fifth day of christmas
    You asked me what's on my wish list
    And I told you all I wanted was for ever with my boo
    After six days on your arms
    I got that tattoo in my heart
    'cause I'm your moonlight, you're my star, and nothing's shining more than you

    You completed the vision
    Now I feel like I'm living
    You're so one in a million
    I'm so glad we committed
    Any time he could get it
    He's the real one I know it

    Look at all the things my true love gave to me
    My true love!
    My true love!
    You are my true love
    Look at all the things my true love gave to me
    My true love!
    My true love!
    You are my true love
    Ah ah ah ah ah ah…
    (You are my true love)

  2. 7/7 Correct answers!
    When December comes I bet that you want to
    Wrap me all up and take me home with you
    See what I look like under them lights
    We'll keep it quiet whatever we do
    I'm just tryna keep my baby warm through the winter time
    I'm just tryna to give you something to remember through the summer time

    And whatever is on your list, I'll do it!
    And whatever it is, you know I'll do it!
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    Gonna love you, gonna give you all I can boy
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    I'm a present, and you know it, here I am boy
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    Gonna love you, gonna give you what I came on
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    I'm a present, and you know it, boy

    Give you the fire
    I keep inside
    Got you all the way down be all night like
    Give you the sweetest kiss that you'll taste
    Unwrap me now been waiting since midnight

    I'm just tryna keep my baby warm through the winter time
    I'm just tryna to give you something to remember through the summer time

    And whatever is on your list, I'll do it!
    And whatever it is, you know I'll do it!
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    Gonna love you, gonna give you all I can boy
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    I'm a present, and you know it, here I am boy
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    Gonna love you, gonna give you what I came on
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    I'm a present, and you know it, here I am boy

  3. 2/7 Correct answers!
    Katastrofa!!!!!!!! Za praznike poslušaj svakog dana jednu pjesmu!!! Barem jednu!!!!!!!

    I'll love you till I die (boy)
    Every day of my life
    I celebrate you, baby, how I know you
    Not just on Christmas

    Wanna show you in so many ways
    365 days!
    I'll give you all my presents, boy, I'm for you
    Not just on Christmas

    Baby, whether rain or shine
    Naughty or nice
    I'm by your side
    (Ooh, ooh)
    (Ooh, ah)

    I'll love you till I die, boy
    Every day of my life
    I celebrate you, baby, how I know you
    Not just on Christmas

    Baby, whether rain or shine
    Naughty or nice
    I'm by your side
    (Ooh, ooh)
    (Ooh, ah)

  4. Unesite tekst ovde!7/7 Correct answers!
    When December comes I bet that you want to
    Wrap me all up and take me home with you
    See what I look like under them lights
    We'll keep it quiet whatever we do
    I'm just tryna keep my baby warm through the winter time
    I'm just tryna to give you something to remember through the summer time

    And whatever is on your list, I'll do it!
    And whatever it is, you know I'll do it!
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    Gonna love you, gonna give you all I can boy
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    I'm a present, and you know it, here I am boy
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    Gonna love you, gonna give you what I came on
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    I'm a present, and you know it, boy

    Give you the fire
    I keep inside
    Got you all the way down be all night like
    Give you the sweetest kiss that you'll taste
    Unwrap me now been waiting since midnight

    I'm just tryna keep my baby warm through the winter time
    I'm just tryna to give you something to remember through the summer time

    And whatever is on your list, I'll do it!
    And whatever it is, you know I'll do it!
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    Gonna love you, gonna give you all I can boy
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    I'm a present, and you know it, here I am boy
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    Gonna love you, gonna give you what I came on
    Merry christmas, here I am boy
    I'm a present, and you know it, here I am boy

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