Marcus and Martinus for Famoza: This tour is dream come true, we can’t wait to see you again!

On 27th and 28th of October 2018, Marcus and Martinus will come to Croatia and Serbia as special guest on Jason Derulo “2Sides” tour. Guys have already met Famoza in the past, so we took another opportunity to do another interview with them, with a bit of help from MMeres. Together we have tried to ask some intereseting questions, so we think that you’ll enjoy reading their answers!

1. Hi guys! This is Famoza from Serbia! How was your summer? It looks like you were really busy with new single and tour! How you feel about it?

Marcus: Yes, its been a really busy summer! But also great fun! We had a few days home in Norway and spend some time with our family and friends! That’s always nice!
Martinus: And we got to go to LA with the whole family. Its nice to have them there when we work hard in the studio.
Marcus: we got to work with some really great producers and talented songwriters. Me and Martinus get to contribute even more on the songs now, we write lyrics and discuss beats and melodies with the producers, its really great fun!
Martinus: we also have this really nice and talented executive producer with us on this new music, her name is Tayla Parx and she has made really good music for a lot of stars like Ariana Grande, Nicky Minaj ++
Marcus: we just released our latest single INVITED and it was so exciting to share the song.
Martinus: and soon there will be more new music coming out!

2. So, you also spent a lot of time in the United States working on your new music. Was that a big learning experience?

Marcus: We love to work in both LA and NY. There are two different vibes, but both places we get to work with really talented people.
Martinus: its a great honour to work with people who are so good and they work so hard and are smart and nice. Its always very fun and challenging in a good way to work in the US!

3. Your first single „Invited“ is out now and it’s quite different than the other stuff you did. Was it a bigger challenge for you?

Marcus: Yes, INVITED is out and we have been so excited to finally release it! Its a little bit different yes. We are getting older and our music is developing as we are. So, yes, this song was special to us.
Martinus: Its all about us getting older and working on finding that M&M sound for the future. We will always try to make music that our fans love. Its really exciting times to be working on developing our sound.

4. Can you tell us some more about the new music and describe it for us in general?

Martinus: INVITED is a song about relationships you have with your friends, family, someone you love – someone who makes your day even better. A person that makes everyday feel like a party!
Marcus: Yes, INVITED is a song for happy times. A song to celebrate friendship and good times. We hope you all will dance to it!

5. What is you input for the new songs? Did you guys write some of the lyrics?

Marcus: Yes, we were a part of the lyrics and the melody making of INVITED. We made the song in Stockholm, and I first listened to it together with the producers. And then I went into the neighbor room where Martinus was working on another song, and we both agreed that INVITED was a song we really wanted to do.

6. You are guests on Jason Derulo’s tour, and it was a wonderful surprise for many of your fans, especially since you are coming back to Serbia and Croatia! Was it a surprise for you that Jason invited you to tour with him?

Martinus: to be special guests on Jasons 2Sides tour is a dream come true. We were so so happy when he asked us. A great honor to be a part of his amazing tour.
Marcus: And yes, really great to get to come back to Serbia and Croatia. We have very good memories from our last stops here. Its such beautiful places and the people we met were very nice to us!

7. What do you expect from this tour? Is that a good chance to learn from more experienced artist like Jason?

Marcus: Yes, Jason is very professional and we learn a lot from watching him perform.
Martinus: he is a great performer and yes we try to learn as much as we can, its really fun!

8. Could you tell us a bit about your performance on 2Sides Tour? How many songs will you perform? Are we going to hear some more new songs other than „Invited“?

Martinus: our performance is really energetic, fun and we brought our best songs with us on stage! Marcus: we will play INVITED for the first time live, that’s really fun! And cool that so many in the audience already know the lyrics!!!! And yes, there will be a surprise for all coming to our 2Sides tour show – we are performing a song not released yet!!!! So come and see the show!!!

9. Also, are there any surprises? Will you maybe join Jason on stage while he is performing?

Martinus: The show is really good and I cant say to much about what happens, you should come and see for your self!

10. Do you know that Jason was also once in Serbia, just like you, so you have that in common too? What do you remember from the last time in Belgrade? Everybody here love your friendship with Luka Ilić, and we saw he sent you some boots!

Marcus: Belgrade is such a nice place! We really loved the energy of the people there! And we got to play football on the field which was very special to us!
Martinus: Yes, Luka is a very good friend. He is such a nice and kind guy. He also a very talented player and we are so proud of all of his accomplishments. A really big inspiration to us!
Marcus: We are fans of Luka!!! And the shoes, we got so surprised and happy! He is just the best!

11. Is it hard to be different as a musician, and have your unique style?

Martinus: Yes and no. Its all about believing in your self and work hard, and to only do what you believe in. Making music is a thing that’s always developing as we are developing as songwriters, producers and teenagers.
Marcus: we really want to create that M&M sound, a sound that’s unique. That’s challenging, but in a good way. If it wasn’t challenging it wouldn’t be fun. The process of making the music is really what it about. We love music, love being in the studio and cant wait to share more music with our fans.

12. We’ll have to brag a bit, but we had a report from every single game you’ve played on Norway Cup. You were fourth among more than 100 teams, are you happy with the whole experience? [Oh, and we are preparing something football related for you, hopefully you’ll have enough time for that when you are in Serbia 😉 ]

Martinus: We had so much fun at Norway Cup. It was a real treat for us to be able to go there with our team. And yes, we are very proud of how well it went!
Marcus: its was really the best time with friends from our team. We love football. Its a good thing to make sure you stay active and healthy. But its also really good to be on the same team as others and experience great times with brother and friends.
Martinus: football surprise??? Ohhh!!!!!! Cant wait!!!!!!!!!! 🙂


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Had so much fun last night at the charity match together with Norway cup!! Who saw the match?

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13. MMers really want to know about every detail of your life, and sometimes things are out of control. How do you cope with that pressure?

Martinus: its all about having your family close and knowing that they will alway take care of you. We travel with our dad and he is such an important person for us. We know what ever happens he will be there and take care and support us.
Marcus: yes, and also we have a lot of support from our mom and Emma at home so we feel safe and always focusing on happy thoughts. Its important to believe in your self and do what you think is best for you.

14. And now, a few fan questions! We got around 2000 of them in a day, but here are just three!

Marcus: 2000 a day???? What, thats crazy fun! Thanks guys!!!! 🙂

15. Anja asks: What is the name of your favorite song?

Marcus: of our own songs: I think Invited, and to perform we always have great fun with One Flight Away.
Martinus: of our own songs it must be Invited. But I also like OFA on stage!

16. Božena asks: Have you ever thought about acting career? Would you like to be actors?

Martinus: maybe, I think it looks fun! But never say never you know 🙂
Marcus: ha! That would be fun to try ..

17. Sara asks: What would happen if you would have a crush on the same girl?

Marcus: oh … I dont think that will happen 🙂
Martinus: lets try not to … 🙂

And that’s it guys! Thank you for your time and see you soon! Anything for the end?

Martinus: we are really looking forward to come back and cant wait to see you all again!
Marcus: thank you so much for all the love and support you give us. We really appreciate everyone of you!!!

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Vladimir Dolapčev je urednik medija Prethodno je pet godina uređivao portal srpskog izdanja časopisa BRAVO. Najveća želja mu je da Famoza bude drugačiji od svih teen medija i da pomogne u dovođenju mladih zvezda u region.

4 thoughts on “Marcus and Martinus for Famoza: This tour is dream come true, we can’t wait to see you again!

  1. Na zadnje pitanje,koje je Sara postavila ovdje baš i nisu dali neki odgovor a u OK-u su rekli da bi igrali škare papir kamen hahah😊

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