eMMa for Famoza: I hope I can go on tour with Marcus and Martinus, I want to meet you guys!

Even though she is still so young, eMMa Gunnarsen has a lot of fans across Europe, and it was a real job having a chance to do an interview with her! As we like to do, we gave fans the chance to ask her whatever they want and this is the result – one of the cutest interviews we’ve done! Enjoy it!

sunjka_m is asking, When did you realize that you want to sing?

Hi Sunjka_m 🙂 I realized I wanted to sing when I was very little and saw Marcus and Martinus perform on stages. 

thereal_emmaogmaja_ Which type of dance do you practice?

Hi thereal_emmaogmaja_ I practice several types of dances : Showdance, Comercial , Contemporary and Impro.

marcusmartinus_fp_02 would like to ask you if you could tell us some of the best things about having Marcus and Martinus as your brothers?

Hi marcusmartinus_fp_02 🙂 The best thing about having Marcus and Martinus as my brothers is that they care a lot about me, we are doing TikTok together and they are very kind.

On the other hand, mactinusserbiaa wants to know if your brothers can be annoying sometimes?

Hi mactinusserbiaa 🙂 Yes my brothers can be very annoying sometimes for sure 🙂

I one interview a couple of years ago, you’ve said that they sometimes sing late at night, even though they know you went to sleep!

Hi 🙂 Yes that’s right, they sing all the time, and also when I go to sleep before them.

crazy_gunnarsen215 asks if you’ll release new songs in 2021? Adding to that, emmaxxamor wants to know will some of these songs be in English?

Hi emmaxxamor 🙂 I am planning to release a song in english also 🙂

veralanikova asks, “Do you want to go on a tour with your brothers? Could that maybe happen on their next tour, this year or the next one?”

Hi veralanikova 🙂 Yes, I hope I can go on tour with them, and then I could meet you guys 🙂

laraandlaura2 What is the best memory from your concerts?

Hi laraandlaura2 🙂 I performed on a big concert on The biggest football tournament in Scandinavia : Norway cup

gunnarsenxxtwins With which famous star would you like to record a song in the distant future?

Hi gunnarsenxxtwins 🙂 It’s difficult, but maybe Billie Eilish.

marcusmartinus.stalking wants to know if you’ll open a new TikTok account. Also, can you tell us what happened with your previous TikTok profiles? Why are they getting deleted? That is so annoying!

Hi marcusmartinus.stalking 🙂 Yes I am so sad because my TikToks are being deleted, I had so many followers : ( I think I have been reported, but I don’t know why. I really want my TikTok accounts to last now…. please…

EDIT: In the meantime, eMMa got her old account back! Find her on TikTok as emmatrofors

emmanrwy asks, “Is more merch coming soon?”

Hi emmanrwy 🙂 Yes, in spring time there is more merch coming.

jpmulti_ Asks if you are planning more videos for your YouTube channel?

Hi 🙂 yes There are new ones coming now 🙂

mactinusserbiaa asks, “Will you focus on singing like your brothers, or you have some other thing that you want to do in the future?”

Hi mactinusserbiaa 🙂 I really don’t know that yet 🙂 I hope i can sing as long as you want to hear me and my songs 🙂  and I want to be a dancer. 

And in the end, mmer_kosova would like to know what makes you happy?

Hi mmer_kosova 🙂 What makes me happy is good friends and that I can dance all day 🙂 

Author: Famoza.net 

Photo: Instagram/eMMa Gunnarsen

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