American Music Awards: Bruno Mars dobio najviše nominacija, Justin Bieber jedina mlada megazvezda u konkurenciji!

U četrtak su objavljene nomacije za novo izdanje American Music Awardsa a dok Bruno Mars može da slavi to što ih ima čak osam, Arianatori, Selenatori, Lovatici i Swiftieji nemaju previše motiva da gledaju šou.

Po peti nominacija imaju Ed Sheeran, Drake, Kendrick Lamar, The Chainsmokers i The Weeknd a onda sledi Justin Bieber sa četiri. Kad je reč o najvažnijim kategorijama, za umetnika godine se takmiče Bruno Mars, Drake, The Chainsmokers, Kendrick Lamar i Ed Sheeran. Dakle, u najjačoj kategoriji ove godine nema niti jedne devojke! Ono što bismo još izdvojili jeste što je “Despacito (remix)” u konkurenciji za pop-rok hit godine uz “Shape of You” Eda Sheerana i “Closer” The Chainsmokersa i Halsey a Niall Horan boriće se sa Juliom Michaels, Jamesom Arthurom, Post Maloneom i Rae Sremmurdom za najboljeg novog izvođača. Evo i svih nominacija uz napomenu da se šou održava 20. novembra u dva sata ujutru po našem vremenu.

Artist of the Year
Bruno Mars
The Chainsmokers
Kendrick Lamar
Ed Sheeran

Favorite Male Pop/Rock Artist
Bruno Mars
Ed Sheeran

Favorite Female Pop/Rock Artist
Lady Gaga
Alessia Cara

Favorite Pop/Rock Duo or Group
The Chainsmokers
Imagine Dragons

Favorite Pop/Rock Album
The Weeknd Starboy
Bruno Mars 24K Magic
Drake More Life

Favorite Pop/Rock Song
“Despacito” Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee feat. Justin Bieber
“Shape Of You” Ed Sheeran
“Closer” The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey

New Artist of the Year
James Arthur
Niall Horan
Julia Michaels
Post Malone
Rae Sremmurd

Collaboration of the Year

The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey “Closer”
DJ Khaled featuring Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper and Lil Wayne “I’m the One”
Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee featuring Justin Bieber “Despacito”
Maroon 5 featuring Kendrick Lamar “Don’t Wanna Know”
The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk “Starboy”

Tour of the Year
Garth Brooks

Video of the Year
Bruno Mars “That’s What I Like”
Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee “Despacito”
Ed Sheeran “Shape of You”

Favorite Country Male Artist
Sam Hunt
Thomas Rhett
Keith Urban

Favorite Country Female Artist
Miranda Lambert
Maren Morris
Carrie Underwood

Favorite Country Duo or Group
Florida Georgia Line
Little Big Town
Old Dominion

Favorite Country Album

Jason Aldean They Don’t Know
Chris Stapleton From A Room: Volume 1
Keith Urban Ripcord

Favorite Country Song
Sam Hunt “Body Like A Back Road”
Jon Pardi “Dirt On My Boots”
Keith Urban “Blue Ain’t Your Color”

Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Artist
Kendrick Lamar

Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Album

Drake More Life
Kendrick Lamar DAMN
Migos Culture

Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Song
DJ Khaled featuring Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper and Lil Wayne “I’m the One”
Kendrick Lamar “HUMBLE.”
Rae Sremmurd featuring Gucci Mane “Black Beatles”

Favorite Soul/R&B Male Artist
Bruno Mars
Childish Gambino
The Weeknd

Favorite Soul/R&B Female Artist

Favorite Soul/R&B
Bruno Mars “24K Magic”
Childish Gambino “Awaken, My Love!”
The Weeknd “Starboy”

Favorite Soul/R&B Song
Bruno Mars “That’s What I Like”
Khalid “Location”
The Weeknd “Starboy”

Favorite Alternative Rock Artist
Imagine Dragons
Linkin Park
twenty one pilots

Favorite Adult Contemporary Artist
Bruno Mars
Shawn Mendes
Ed Sheeran

Favorite Latin Artist
Daddy Yankee
Luis Fonsi

Favorite Contemporary/Inspirational Artist
Lauren Daigle
Chris Tomlin

Favorite Electronic Dance Music Artist
The Chainsmokers
DJ Snake
Calvin Harris

Favorite Adult Contemporary Artist

Bruno Mars
Shawn Mendes
Ed Sheeran

Favorite Latin Artist
Daddy Yankee
Luis Fonsi

Favorite Contemporary/Inspirational Artist
Lauren Daigle
Chris Tomlin

Favorite Electronic Dance Music Artist
The Chainsmokers
DJ Snake
Calvin Harris

Top Soundtrack

Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2: Awesome Mix Vol. 2


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